Tuesday 15 September 2009
went to CMPB yesterday for my Medical Check-up with mirul.After Our Check up,I and Him walk around at Depot Road and we get ourself at the end of the road.I started to sweat and i asked him.Do you want to go to Telok Blangah Heights? ;i said. So we went to Telok Blangah Heights since im used to that place and it's near Henderson Wave.So i bring him around Henderson Road and Telok Blangah Heights and Hang around under the void deck at the Estate Area.It was fun.I crack alot of silly Joke yesterday.

Okay.I think thats it for yesterdays topic.i feel like posting about a part of my life which is my feelings but i think the time and mood is still not there yet.Maybe the next post will be suitable for all the emotional realease.Till here i end my post for today.Goodbye