Saturday 27 December 2008
East Coast
It's a very fun and tiring day today.I was out to east coast on a picnic with my friends.It was a great spend day full of fun cycling with them and enjoy the beauty of the sea and the was great there and the weather is great just the way i want it.So we actually went for cycling except for mirul.he plays the guitar and took care of our stuffs and we,Ahmad,me,mubarak,fadzillah and sabrina went for cycling.we went till the other end of east coast and we saw this beautiful part of the beach coast and we drop by the place and have fun there looking at the sea was great there and it's at 6 and the sunset looks so beautiful.

WE went back and reach back at 6+.we sent our rental bikes and grab a bite while talking about some at 7 we pack up and ead back home.I then went to amiruls place to hang around for awhile playing guitar.then i went back home after 11 and sms mei.HELLO!(: hahas..we then chat till 1.15 then she offline.So i actually make my band was a very hard one to think of.Im out of idea on what i want to put in the logo and how to change the structure of the half way i sms mei and thanks for accompanying me mei.hahas,so she fell asleep while smsing and it's 2.30 now.i feel like tc


Thursday 25 December 2008
A random day with a random activity
so i slept at 4 this morning and woke up at 12 this morning/afternoon.The first time i open my eyes for today.In my heart say,"what a Boring dream is that and i bet it will be a boring day".Hahas,Honestly,It's not true.I had a good day full of noise and a random schedule of practice with my baby steam maut giler.p/s:Don't you dare think about something out of the know what i mean.come on! Im practicing playing my guitar!My Babybunny guitar the steam roller!hahas!yeah!

so yeah,Had Peanut butter brand Skippy.Wow,i feel like skipping!yeah!hell no,im not skipping.Im chatting with someone and im totally sick being at home.I feel like im in the movie.HOME ALONE -.-ZzZz

Well,it's ok being at home actually but im bored.Brother came back home late and i have no one to chat with.hahas,Mom & Dad were busy cleaning up the house so i decided to clean my own room.Kirey kirey!Clean!Done!Walla!Fantastic!It's clean and shine as shine as the sun brights and i can feel like the breeze of the polluted air from the outer part of my window blowing in.I was like-.-.Come on! MY fan Is much more coooler than the breeze.

So i chatted with mei:)then i watch tv and buzz off as the speed of light to amiruls hut.I thought ahmad was there with mirul.I guess no hope.So,i just hang-out with hour later spiderman comes out from the dark alley of amiruls hut.He's so dark.Hah,i just knew it.It's the Black-Spidey a.k.a Mubarak.Hahas with his little pouch walking like a darth vader.May the force be with you he says.hahas,Just Kidding.He actually bring his ion mineral water.Cool.It makes me remind of Ion Canon.So,he give me a try and guess what it makes a factory and when i reached home my toilet becomes the nuclear landing huh. Had a chat on MSN and spent time listening to songs.THen have my dinner and here i am 2.45am still awake like a half-sleepy hungry skinny polar bear.till here then.goodbye.THanks mei for the company.hahas,we really did talk alot today(:hahas.


Wednesday 24 December 2008
Music Videos Of Face Down & Lovebug


Tuesday 23 December 2008
It was a quite a tiring day today andi have been playing Games Since yesterday night until this morning at 8 and i actually went to macdonald to have my breakfast.Had a McmuffinStudent Meal. I then went to sleep and wake up at 4.I went online after i get up from bed and hoping Mei was online.Hahas,honestly,I don't know why i keep on thinking of her.Everytime i feel like want to chat with her.OK,so she's not Online.

I do my usual stuff.Practice few songs and play the guitar for hours.Untill the clock reach 9 and there she goes.Had a chat with her and im totally speechless yet im trying to think of something to talk about.hahas.It's going to be 12 soon and she asked me about dinner.Honestly i have not take my dinner yet but now i did.So there's a confusion i got at this point.She angry with me.Mei,im really sorry if i did say something Offensive that hurt your feeling.I dint mean it.Im Really,really,really sorry.Please Forgive me?

SO it's actually 4.25 in the morning and im listening to this song tittled "Lovebug".It's By jonas Brothers.I did watch their Official Music Video and Not to forget their Covers too.I like it.Thanks to Mei for letting me know about the song.It's really a nice song.Till here.Goodbye


Monday 22 December 2008
Command & Counquer
It's Monday! Mayday!so,i Decided to go out from my crib and get the guns on my back and mind in my head working.I called ahmad and i ask him if he wants to go for jamming.He asked to come over his place and so amirul was bored at home so i ask him to tag along.we went to ahmads house and went out to have a chat for a while and talk about some stuff.Mostly about Comand and Conquer and Our Blog.we then went back to his place and have fun playing Command & Conquer:Kanes Wrath. It was fun and irritating to play with computer but it's great when your army being f***ed.hahas,really put the pressure in you and your brain start to think how to eliminate the enemies once and for all.

Mirul,me and Ahmad have our battle on C&C.Hahas,It was a great one and really enjoy playing together with them.A few hours later mubarak come over ahmads place after he meet up with his friend.We should have gone for jamming if mubarak told us earlier that he only meet his friend for a while.Never's better to be here at ahmads place.Enjoying the last.Get to breath some peace and bring breeze into my mind.It feels better then sitting at home.


Sunday 21 December 2008

It's a Sunny Day in short forms it turns out to be Sunday and one interesting thing about sunday is that john lenon is singging!hahas,Sunday Bloody Sunday.yeah!

Had my beast Sleep and woke up by some noise monster from the void deck.I grab my guitar and on my computer.I had my guitar practice and did some recap on a few songs.Need alot of practice but i really can't stay at home for any has been 4days at home and i start to get a headache looking at walls and furnitures around me.

I went Online after my practice and i saw mei online.Brothers were offline.I have no idea what happen to them.maybe a dog/cat/rat chase them at the,i chatted with mei.Only god knows how much i love to talk to her.hahas.thanks for saving another day of my boredness mei(:

so chatted with her and cook a few meals for lunch while chatting with her.Dont get me wrong aite.i din't bring the stove in my room.Never mind.Im Multi-tasking.U'll understand(:

Have my shower and had my lunch after that.Then mei offline.I off my com and watch "Bruce Almighty".Hahas,Jim Carrey is really funny.Then The soccer match start on channel 5.Urghh,I dont like to watch soccer but i like to play soccer on certain times only.Actually when im really bored and soccer is there then i will play.Hahas.

Went back Online.Argh!My Computer start to sleep and the whole thing restart and she blink to me.I mean my computer blink to me.hahas,naughty girl.just kidding.Mei Online!hahas,We talk again untill 11 we catch up with Chriss Angel Show on Channel 5 and continue untill 12.She have to offline so yeah here i am alone and doing some posting to my blog.hahas.


Saturday 20 December 2008
MeiHui Save My Day

It's Saturday and it's a very boring day and moody day for me but usually i don't show anything that shows im moody or,Mum woke me up early today and i actually supposed to follow her to malaysia to attend someone's wedding.So,Meihui was online and we had our Conversation.Long one and i really appreciate her time becoming my saviour.Im saved from boredness(:

Then My sister and her childrens coming to my house and i ahve to take care of those elves for a while.It really makes me crazy.My Niece is the most Irritating Elf i think.Gosh.The House is in Such a mess.I was like a Shrek Running all around the house and cleaning up.

So i was so pissed and i went down to buy some food for lunch and i think i saw Azita and her family.Im not sure is that is her because the girl look different from the past azita i knew.I make a move and cook Maggie and Hotdogs with cheese.I had my good lunch.

My SIs used the com and i was waiting for my mega Movie and i saw Mei online.Im sry mei if you wait for me to reply.So i chatted with mei again(: yeah!hahas.
Untill here then.


Thursday 18 December 2008
Holiday Is Boring
It was a very boring day and i was really frustrated sitting at home the whole day watching Tv.It really bored me.So,i actually played my guitar the whole day and spent another half of my time watching tv since and i have my dinner get back to tv and here i am coming back to the computer and make a post.How i wish i could start school soon.It starts to make me feel sick sitting at home the whole day.So i guess putting up of my Overdue Photos might help to make this post longer(:


Wednesday 17 December 2008

' Things that girls don't realize about guys.'

•Guys may be flirting around all day, but before they go to sleep,they always think about the girl they truly care about .

• Guys are more emotional than you think, if they loved you at one point, it'll take them a lot longer then you think to let you go, and it hurts every second that they try.

• Guys go crazy over a girl's smile(:

•A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to.
• Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what?..uh...nevermind.." would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. And he'll assume he did something wrong and he'll obsess about it trying to figure it out.

•If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice.
• A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.

• Guys love you more that you love them.
•Guys use words like hot or cute to describe girls. They rarely use beautiful or gorgeous. If a guy uses that, he loves you or likes you a whole heck of a lot.
•If the guy does something stupid in front of the girl, he will think about it for the next couple days or until the next time he spends time with the girl.
•If a guy looks unusually calm and laid back, he's probably faking it and he is really thinking about something
•When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually
saying, "Please come and listen to me"
•If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn't happen that often, so when it does, you know something's up.

• When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking something.
•Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them
•No guy can handle all his problems on his own.
•Not all guys are rude.
•When a guy sacrifices his sleep and health just to talk to you,he really likes you and wants to be with you as much as possible.
•Even if you dump a guy months ago and he loved you he probably still does and if he had one wish it would be you to come back into his life.

As a guy, i do realize that the facts stated here,are actually pretty true.haha,have fun reading.This are dedicated to those girls who are confused with guys.And those who thinks that guys are all the same.=D


Ps;Dont hate me for posting such things.


it's a very tiring day today for me.Amirul did called me this afternoon and asked me out for so sorry i can't accompany him to mubarak's house for i woke up at 4pm and have my lunch and watched "Mr. & Mr's smith" on Dvd.It was nice and i've watch it for 20times i guess.hahas.

i then used the internet since 6.45 untill now and watch a few vcd's that i borrowed from my cousin.I have a whole lot here to watch.haha,longest yard,the core and alot i guess i got to go now.see ya.


Tuesday 16 December 2008
Zoom Hong Kong
So amirul just finished his exchange programe from hong kong and we fetched him from airport and back home.It's a very exciting day for us today because it's the day we meet one of our brothers again and pheonixide is coming back to jamming again.Amirul bought us a souvenier from hong kong and thanks alot bro,i really appreciate the gift u gave me.

It's really surprising to see him in a very different state after he actually went to hong kong.His hair is long and he really dressed up like a hip hop kind of guy when we actually see's him back at the airport in the first place.We then went to macdonalds to have lunch and thanks to amiruls mom for the treat.Amirul show us pictures of his tour back in hong kong.Honestly i was jealous because i din't have the oppourtunity to go overseas.Haha,but it's ok,maybe sometime later.

We then jamm at amiruls house for a few hours and discuss about our jamming session and mubarak have this need to go for a gig.He's really looking forward for it and i hope we could perform one day and go for a gig soon.


Monday 15 December 2008
It's a very great morning for me and i really feel happy for having this oppourtunity to put up a post today for being one of a survivor of a mediavel:total wars from my dream.Let me explain what happen actually.

I doze off at 2am this morning and i got this dream that i guess the best dream i have ever receive from my brain.I appear as an apprentice in a huge kingdom of alkbar which i believe to be a great ruler of india in my dream.It's a long story but let me cut it short for you to understand what actually happen in my the story is about a king that is being betrayed by his wife.He owns a kingdom which i can't really remember the name and he owns a soldier of thousands.He's a great king and very honest and fair to his pupil but unfortunately,a few of his pupil betrayed him so that his wife could take over all his riches and put her so called her scandal to take over alkbar kingdom and rule the entire country.i was in that scene and i was an apprentice in his so called military school studying martial arts.One particular scene which happens in my dream.the king was saved by a jungle tribe which i believed to be an allied of the king that have just finished a war.His wife and all the pupil that betrayed him was killed by his allies to prevent him from being killed.It was a sad ending for the king yet it's a saved scene for him.after all that,it ended in my dream when i was there to meet the tribe.


Holiday have just begin and Boredness strikes back.Guitar is the saviour of the day and She's the rythem, today was the most boring day and i really heat up my ass the wole day sitting and playing guitar all day and looking for tabs here and there online.I got a few tabs/chords through youtube and also ultimateguitararchive.I got stuck with the crush by david achuleta and the lips of an angel by's hard for me to sing while strumming.

Then im trying to cover this song tittled "Dream Catch me"it's a nice song by Newton Faulkner.His voice is awesome and really match the song.

-HOng Kong
One of my Band Member went to hong kong for a trip with the school for a week for an exchange programme with the Hong kong students.Im so proud of him for being the few top student in his course.Im really proud of him and as a friend i really appreciate and being grateful for what he did for himself to be a succesful person.He really have a bright,im waiting for him to come back and hang out with me playing guitar under the void deck.

it has been half a year my band have not been active in jamming and we actually been busy with studies and exam,project surround all over us.So due to that reason we stay low for the mean time.During this holidays,We really looking forward to get ourself back and jamm again.ameen.

I guess thats all.see ya
