Monday 8 March 2010
Distance Make You Miss Her Much
It has been months since i left mei hui.I dont really know why i leave her.
the reason i gave was "To seperate because we dint have the bond we need". But it was not true,I just lied to myself by leaving her.I thought by doing this way i could escape myself from my problems.I hate problems,Having Conflicts,Quarelling with my love ones.I hate it so much.I realise how much i love her, the memories i had with her just make me miss her much more. everyday thinking of her just killing me.I dont know how i should tell her i miss her.Im ashame of Myself for leaving her.I dont know what i want to do to have her back.I realise that i have made a mistake.


Wednesday 6 January 2010
Im Gone


I was young but I wasn't naive
I watched helpless as you turned around to leave
And still I have the pain I have to carry
A past so deep that even you could not bury if you tried

After all this time
I never thought we'd be here
Never thought we'd be here
When my love for you was blind
But I couldn't make you see it
Couldn't make you see it
That I loved you more than you'll ever know
A part of me died when I let you go

I would fall asleep
Only in hopes of dreaming
That everything would be like it was before
But nights like this it seems are slowly fleeting
They disappear as reality is crashing to the floor

After all this time
I never thought we'd be here
Never thought we'd be here
When my love for you was blind
But I couldn't make you see it
Couldn't make you see it
That I loved you more than you'll ever know
A part of me died when I let you go

After all this war
Would you ever wanna leave it
Maybe you could not believe it
That my love for you was blind
But I couldn't make you see it
Couldn't make you see it
That I loved you more than you will ever know
A part of me died when I let you go
That I loved you more than you'll ever know
A part of me died when I let you go




Monday 5 October 2009
Im back from Bukit Batok taking my Evaluation and do some bookings for my practice on wednesday.It's a very boring day of the week.I have nothing much to share for today but i have a few that i would like to post about.I've been feeling so random at home this morning.I woke up and feed the cats and on my computer and browse my almost empty picture folder and i found Mei's Photo.I stared her photo and i realize how much i really missed her.My Milo suddenly feel so damn sweet while those flashbacks of me and her slides through my mind.I wish i'm still with her but things just doesn't goes like i wish it supposed to be. Well, for the sake of the memory i leave her picture in that folder.

Oh ya, Evaluation was super stress but i make it at last.i pass the Riding Theory Evaluation after the 3rd try.I book RTT Next Week and my 3.01 on wednesday.I just Can't wait to Finish it all up.
till here then.I got to go,bye

Tuesday 15 September 2009
went to CMPB yesterday for my Medical Check-up with mirul.After Our Check up,I and Him walk around at Depot Road and we get ourself at the end of the road.I started to sweat and i asked him.Do you want to go to Telok Blangah Heights? ;i said. So we went to Telok Blangah Heights since im used to that place and it's near Henderson Wave.So i bring him around Henderson Road and Telok Blangah Heights and Hang around under the void deck at the Estate Area.It was fun.I crack alot of silly Joke yesterday.

Okay.I think thats it for yesterdays topic.i feel like posting about a part of my life which is my feelings but i think the time and mood is still not there yet.Maybe the next post will be suitable for all the emotional realease.Till here i end my post for today.Goodbye

Tuesday 28 July 2009
Back again from the busiest moment of my life.I take this oppurtunity to take my free time to update this humble blog of mine.Things have change alot in my life and i believe i have been busy this few days studying my Proggrammes for my attachment at speta.It was fun back in school.I really enjoy the time with my friends and speta really give me courage and confidents to study and finish this Course.I really learned alot of codes and Machine processes there.It was worth afterall the company rejections on me.I found it worth being in speta to continue my studies and afterall no regretion for not being attached to companies.Eventhough it's 7 weeks in speta and the rest of the time doing maintenance in school was quite ok with me.I dont mind spending my 5months in school.

It was quite fun in school eventhough all my friends were on attachment.I have fencing every friday and it turns out to be great.Guess what.I received my Jacket and Gloves for fencing Training.At last,I get to train on the real Metal blades.It was nice.

Btw,im going to Malaysia,Kuala Lumpur with my Brother for some functions there.I can't wait to be there and we are going there on my birthday!..Hehe.At last.this boy have turn 18 for Car License,Cigarrette and Liquor..Hahas...oh,strike the liquor out.I dont drink(;

ok then,till here i end my post.Bye

